Here's the result of my test.
Very Easygoing: DRIVE: Laid-back. Not overly driven to achieve. Work quality may depend on interest in task. Prefers not to be tied down by too many responsibilities. May sometimes miss deadlines. ORGANIZATION: Low emphasis on organization. Not one for planning or keeping schedules. Work area likely to be cluttered. Not always disciplined.
Very Private: Shy and reserved. Does not seek attention from others. Doesn't say much. Behavior is usually deliberate, cautious, and purposeful. SOCIABILITY: Prefers solitude. Sometimes difficult to engage in conversation. Will usually need time alone to recharge after being with others.
Agreeable: Generally positive, cooperative and friendly. Has an upbeat look on life. Good interpersonal skills; tactful. Would rather cooperate than compete or argue. EMPATHY: Compassionate and empathetic. Strives to be good to others. TRUST: Usually accepts people on good faith as trustworthy. Doesn't hold a grudge.
Reactive: Can have strong emotions. Experiences occasional self-doubt, and may sometimes be a little too sensitive. Is usually able to keep these negative feelings at bay. May lack self-confidence. ANXIETY: May suffer from anxiety, leading to a negative disposition. Sometimes worries too much. Feelings can be easily hurt. MOOD: Mood remains stable regardless of situation.
Practical: Tends to be realistic and pragmatic. Likely to prefer conservative values and ideas, though may consider less conventional ideas and values when appropriate. Somewhat selective in personal interests. CREATIVITY: More matter-of-fact than imaginative or creative.
That's all folks. Whew. That sums up my personality. I can't add more.
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