Friday, May 4, 2007

Profiler Test

I can't sleep, so I decided to take a personality test. It is basically a 70 plus item quiz about personality, answerable by Strongly Agree, Moderately Agree, No Opinion, Moderately Disagree and Strongly Disagree. If you wanted to know more about me, just read on.

Here's the result of my test.

Very Easygoing: DRIVE: Laid-back. Not overly driven to achieve. Work quality may depend on interest in task. Prefers not to be tied down by too many responsibilities. May sometimes miss deadlines. ORGANIZATION: Low emphasis on organization. Not one for planning or keeping schedules. Work area likely to be cluttered. Not always disciplined.

Very Private: Shy and reserved. Does not seek attention from others. Doesn't say much. Behavior is usually deliberate, cautious, and purposeful. SOCIABILITY: Prefers solitude. Sometimes difficult to engage in conversation. Will usually need time alone to recharge after being with others.

Agreeable: Generally positive, cooperative and friendly. Has an upbeat look on life. Good interpersonal skills; tactful. Would rather cooperate than compete or argue. EMPATHY: Compassionate and empathetic. Strives to be good to others. TRUST: Usually accepts people on good faith as trustworthy. Doesn't hold a grudge.

Reactive: Can have strong emotions. Experiences occasional self-doubt, and may sometimes be a little too sensitive. Is usually able to keep these negative feelings at bay. May lack self-confidence. ANXIETY: May suffer from anxiety, leading to a negative disposition. Sometimes worries too much. Feelings can be easily hurt. MOOD: Mood remains stable regardless of situation.

Practical: Tends to be realistic and pragmatic. Likely to prefer conservative values and ideas, though may consider less conventional ideas and values when appropriate. Somewhat selective in personal interests. CREATIVITY: More matter-of-fact than imaginative or creative.

That's all folks. Whew. That sums up my personality. I can't add more.

Wanna take the test? CLICK HERE

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